“A Second Helping is a charming story filled with intriguing characters. This remarkable book captures the lives of ordinary yet witty characters in the mist of rebuilding a town that has been long overlooked.”
“Bernadine Brown, who is newly divorced with a settlement that is in the millions moves to the town of Henry Adams to begin a new life. She falls in love with this historic community and the potential that she sees in it and decides to invest in the future of the township.”
“Bernadine is also dedicated to the five foster children whom she helped find new homes with her friends in the community. She is indeed a heroine as she finds stable homes for all of the children who have each endured difficult home lives.”
‘Just when Bernadine thinks everything is falling into place with a potential new love interest, her ex husband is back in the picture, trying to win her back. In addition to that there is a fugitive on the run with a pet pig, a new teacher in town with a troubled son and a host of other issues that keeps life in Henry Adams interesting and never boring.”
“This is a must read. A fantastic story that is unforgettable.”
- - Karmi Ray, B2M Book Reviewer