“Detective Hanae Troop is once again on the trail to catch The Paradox, the infamous serial killer who appears to be after ex-members of the Strictly Business drug crew.”
“The Paradox is killing everyone in his path as he searches for his main targets, Teco Jackson and Gail Que. The Paradox is completely delusional and determined to taunt Detective Troop with a deadly game orchestrated to set the ultimate trap.”
“The hunt to capture The Paradox crosses state lines and leads Detective Troop and other officers to Atlanta, Georgia, where the missing pieces to the perplexed puzzle begins to unfold. Now, Detective Troop must work with Atlanta Detective Paul Yeomans to take down the killer before it is too late.”
“The Street Life Series: Is It Rags Or Riches is an amazing read filled with action and unexpected twists at every turn. The author, Kevin M. Weeks does a masterful job with the third installment to The Street Life Series. Readers will be anxiously waiting for the follow up to see what happens next.”
- - Patricia Woods, B2M Editor